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tv   [untitled]    November 6, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PST

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vote for david lee. i will put the richmond is vitally important to me and my family to keep the richmond a great place to live. so vote for david thank ú >>xñ hi. i'm sherman desill have a, running for the board of district. i was born in the richmond in the richmond, and work as a store manager on geary boulevard.fg i decided to run for the board of supervisors because i sawdca neighborhood resident hit by a car on gearyc crossing the?ñó.ç street. at an intersection that did not
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have a traffic0[ light, anintere had a traffic light over 20 years ago. i felt it was irrectit)p&f of oé to not take care of a safety issue like installind!wraffic as supervisor, i will make it my c @&c"p issues like this are the number one as supervisor, there's acicqsnç. first, as i mentioned earlier, geary boulevard from ocean beach to thel⌞bd geary tunnel. in addition to geary, i also want trafficuzpuç lights instan the major business corridors, ⌝i clement street, balboa, and california. now, for cleanliness inr7 neighborhoods, there's a couple of things we need to do. first, i want to go backqn to str the neighborhood. we have tried street cleaning only once
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4dlped the cleanliness of the it has consistently worse. going back to two times a week street cleaning will improve the situation. twice a week street cleaning i also want to have targeted like geary boulevard and the adn]+c corridors. items left out on the sidewalk. i want to makeñ$+ ñ/f sure thats the city's responsible to get items that have been left out on the sidewalk off the sidewalk within 24 in addition ¿ñ items left on the sidewalk, graffiti that appears on city property, i want this off city property within 24 hours so that it doesn't proliferate around the neighborhood. in addition to5.2 these two thi, have a plan in place in which we
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replace all of our roads and sidewalks every 10 years. the first job of government is t neighborhood is both safe and clean. these two priorities have not beenh4 met. as supervisor, i will make sure that we focus on. these are the priorities that are important. remember, if yourf house -- if don't redecorate. you fix the roof first. as supervisor, that's what i'm going to focus on, making sure > safe@ouc =' everyone. i'm eric mar and i represent district 1-rbgs the richmond on san francisco's board of super i'm running for reelection endorsed by the san francisco democratic party and i response to continue
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representing you for the next in my first term i've worked restore theájá san francisco back on the right ei richmond more affordable for working families i help preserve policiesñ to prevent! families with children, transformed the core net theater for housingéwn
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to lowerif hurdles for small business, and helped small emjq al exan dra theater to help them high tech businessesn'o% san francisco, to eliminate the payroll tax that penalizes job green jobs and other workforce training programs. to reduce travel time, traffic and pollution, i fought for,o new five fulton limited which will start next spring, and for the#z geary bus rapid transit. i helpe of the geary 38 limited andol÷ supported throughout the city especially for safer biking for.v ÷: famil. tor"!ñ provideñtp&ity&nspñ opportunities for all of our children i fought:f5ñ÷(súñ to3h universal access/
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championed safeja!ñúc@ít0 exempt and completed new chinatown campus. to keep our community healthy i access healthy+ñv food and increased opportunities for b5iaáer food andjúcwñ exercise r schools. i strengthened our city's restriction on smoking in public places and enhanced incentives for the greater usesi of clean energy. i'm proud of my record of putting richmond residents first,é. standing up to specialo unaffordable vju families and bringing together representatives of our city's diverse communities to get things done and make ourud3 city more livable for all. my recor÷h(dwzq hhbhzn otherufg÷w) democratic party but my colleagues on the board of supervisors and majority of myk÷
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colleagues on the board of
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newspaper 9 i am deeply honored to have such win reelection and continue working on behalf of san francisco's working families i need yourkn help. big landlords, real estate developers and downtown special interests are flooding the richió thousands of dollars in a campaign7wuz i real reason for opposing me because i stand up for you andf: neighborhoods' needs first. with your help we can set the vote and the votes of your family we can fight off the special interesta81a and4n continue the progress ovr the past four yef+yj richmond t san francisco back on the right track. thank you so much for your time andi
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>> hello. my name is joeyñfk butler. i am a candidate for supervisor in district 3. celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. we met, married, and raised our i am an architect, and small business owner. i havm 29 years, first on russian hill, i am running to be a positive unifying force for oursqúk÷ neighborhoods. in 1995, i, and three dozen of improve access and landscape in tower. the project was an open negotiated collaborative one. all neighbors' opinions were respected and we accommodate nearlyauq everyone's vision into the project. whether we hailed fromv$dw beijg or e+.ó boston, wens iris or boy
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we are allvgá÷ san franciscans. some of us are natives, like my daughters.yothers are immigrante imcome babt and myself. over the next four years as5j san franciscans, we will all expend $25 billion. i would like to see that money used to make this wind and fog swept peninsula the best that it has ever been. $25 billion is an enormous fortune and in four years time that investment could find all of our citizens on the same page, and make san francisco the envy of the world. i support projects that we all favor, and will facilitate such projects if elected, rather than ill-conceived, divisive projects like the central subway or eight washington street. i pledge, if elected as your supervisor, to serve the entire four years in that office. will the 9q make that same pledttremember ty
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considered being appointed as the district attorney, and run unsuccessfully for mayor twice. will he run again in 2014 for the state assembly? the incumbent, if reelected, may be real estat replaced by an apd supervisor for half the next term. i find that unacceptable in our democracy. if elected i support to collaborate, negotiate, and execute really great projects, while simultaneously investing in our infrastructure, and to keep each othernl safe, housed, and fed. i support investing the pension fund of public service employees to income housing, to stabilize our communities, and make us more safe by housing first responders in the city. i support creating tenant cooperatives for middle income san franciscans. it has worked to make tenants rent payments become mortgage
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payments. city's property tax revenues and stabilize our neighborhoods. i support replicating the community based and privately funded north beach citizens, in neighborhoods throughout san francisco. budget for homeless without any additional burden on taxpayers. such attention at the board of supervisors, wheres0(yñ self-seg interests seem to replace taxpayers needs. i support3u&,9iut(v(sr'g our buildings, not demolishing them. i support solar rooftops all over the.íctv city. i support finding work for everyone, no matter their skills andn6sñy abilities, to make our streets clean and safe. we can all livebdç on this peninsula together. that is challenge that iúeeañ accept. please vote for me, f. joseph butler for supervisor in distz÷] 3.
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thank you. äb hi. i'm david chiu. i'm runnir$pqk for reelection to represent district 3 on the san francisco board of supervisors, and would be hon/b(a0ñ with your vote. 20 years ago, i first visited northeast neighborhoods of san francisco, as millions of san franciscans have÷p over the decades. for years, i served our city as a criminal prosecutor, a civil rights attorney, founder of a small business, and volunteered as chair of both the neighborhood association and an affordable housing organization. when i was elected four years ago, i promised to bring people together to deliver results, to increase cooperation and accountability at city hall. over the past four years, i'm proud of what we have=hvj÷
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accomplishedpj9n together, focug on what matters, to deliver for our dim0]czdñ 3 neighborhoods, again and again. now, we've been creating jobsm with waterfront projects to open the new exploratorium, cruise ship terminal, america's campus, a chinese hospital. we're been keeping families in our city by rebuilding the recreation center, playgrounds all over the district, we've been supporting small businesses, cutting small business fees, red tape, and championing business tax reform on the november ballot. when proposition e passes so that we end our tax on jobs rather than on profits, our local merchants, our restaurants, cafes and shops will be able to hire more people. we've been building affordable housing for veterans and seniors and fighting along side tenants against ellis act evictions and been improving neighborhood
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quality of life by tackling nightclubñ congestion, vacant buildings and supporting arts, seniors who want to live in our community, familieses whokí need childcare. i've been proud to work with you to increase transparency and innovation at city hall. because we need a 21st century government, i've championed the overhaul of our city's information technology. because we've had to balance massive budget deficits for years, i reform, now requiring multi-year planning, financial1 and savings. to make government more accountable i passed new ethics rules demanding more disclosure by lobbyists and to protect ourt fkétuák creating new green jobsn the process. now, i am proud of whatcgçd wee accomplished together over the past four years, but-2z i do hae
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opp trying to stop us from moving our neighborhoods forward,#lx$s fighting the north beach library, opposing proota opposig will help the won playground in chinatown. we know how important this election is. neighborhood forward by focusing based politics. now i may not easily fit@óq defined political fashions but i measure my(fz impact by how we e improving people's lives. my values have been strong and consistent.g4g&c @&c"piçg san franciscans first, fighting for our neighborhoods, for ouréu families, for our jobs, so that our city is affordable and open to all.ráhrj why i've ru¿q" evey major endorsement in this race, from the the san francisco democratic pae dianne feinstein and leaénancy o
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labor council, small business advocates, san francisco tenants union, sierra club, nurses, firefighters and police, the san francisco bay guardian and leaders from every district 30m neighborhood. i pledge to continue to fight for you, for our neighborhoods, to make city hall work better. vote to reelect me to the board of supervisors on november 6. and please visit votedavi for more information. thank you so much. hello. my name is wilmay and my chiens nam chinese name d i'm running for the board of supervisors in district 3. district 3 is san francisco moss
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achievely chinatown, north beach, pulp gulg, telegraph hill, nob hill and russian hill. i believe i can represent this diverse population of district -- since i have lived here for the last 35 years and raised three children who attended public school, as well as university here. and, now, i am a proud grandmother of four. also, i can communicate directly with the large population of chinese here, in the city. since i do speak many languages, including fluent in mandarin and cantonese. most candidates bank on political endorsements, and a large war chest. i believe in working directly with grassroots population, to
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help[ú it is the most important job of your supervisor. since@-átu i am an educator, i h at city college of san francisco, it is the nature of an educator to bring outxyx best quality in people, if one asks me, what would you do first, should you getgg i'd say working closely with different(7uv city departments, members of the community fate of central subway, which is most=a controversial rightsst .
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more over, we take for granted that district 3, one of generators of this city. it'su tourism. i just can't thinkp neighborhood so easily accessible to other areas of interest to visitors of ourñe beautiful city. fisherman's wharf, -- square. unfortunately the construction of central subway may impact the survival of merchants within this fragile corridor. when comes to@0f 6, for her sincerity and dedication to make life better
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for district 3,"ñ and for this t beautiful city by the bay. thank you.4 xie xie >c >> hello ladies and gentlemen of district five my name is london ried and i am asking for your vote for the district of supervisors. >> i grew up on the same street that all live on, ride our bikes, walk in the parks, shop and eat and take our kids to school. for the last ten years, i have been the executive director of the african american art complex, a 34,000 art space where the kids have program in
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the arts where local artists come together and different san francisco communities form and strengthen our common bond. i grew up in plaza east public housing. it was a tough place back then, as a number of places in the district still are. the economic and family circumstances for everyone were pretty dire. i saw family and friends lost to the streets, to prison and death including two of my siblings, i saw terrible poverty, crime, drugs, hopelessness and violence and joblessness but that was not all that we had. those people that i grew up have something else, a fighting experience resilience, those people found it in themselves to help their neighbors family and friends however they could. we relied upon each other and out of the crisis we created a great community. this is the spirit of san francisco. and that is why i am so thrilled to be able to speak to you today and now, because so many of you watching are my
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family, my friends, people who form the same communities that raised me up from difficult beginnings into the woman i am today. i can think of no more important calling than to use the skills and my energy to give back to all of you in any way that i can. that is what has led me through so many of my life's endeavors volunteering in the major's office as a teenager, and serving on the san francisco redevelopment agency commission sxh the fire commission and just recently getting my masters in public administration. >> i will tackle the tough problems head on. i will find real solutions to the lack of affordable housing and redesign our job training program to give the right skills to the unemployed people around us to make them the perfect job candidate for our small businesses. because small businesses provide most of our city's jobs, i will create a one-stop, for people looking to start
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one, or replace the huge bureaucracy that scares so many entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams. with my experience working with local organization and san francisco law enforcement, i will create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the district that will lower street crime and gang violence and above all i will help san francisco to be a leader. we will build bike lanes that will connect the city and reconnect the parks and find new ways to power our city in a way that is better for the planet and for our own wallets. i am not alone in having the vision for the future of san francisco that i do, i'm extremely proud of the people and organizations that have endorsed my candidacy because they share the hopes and the dreams, and the passion of the people that i have always depended on. they are far apart from one another on individual issues but they share my belief that working together we can achieve anything.
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my supporters include, california attorney general har ris, state senator yen, rashelle, norton, wynn, they gave me their sole number one endorsement and i am the only one endorsed by the police officer organization, the lgbt club and the firefighter unions and the chronicle who called me the candidate best prepared to handle the district challenges but as gratifying as all of those endorsements are the only one that i want is from the people of district five, i ask you to vote for me as supervisor and together we will turn san francisco into the city that we knew that it could be, coming out of the difficulties into the future that is brighter and more prosperous and above all more cooperative where our quality of life arises from the closeness of our communities
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and the strength of our spirits. thank you. >> hi, my name is davis, i'm running for supervisor in district five. san francisco faces the challenges for improve the liefps of the people that live here. we need leadership to meet our challenges and address homelessness and build affordable housing and build the schools and keep us safe. i am running for supervisor to keep san francisco real. our city is a social, economic and political cross roads. in so many ways, the every-day people that keep this city special, the artists, the students, the young families, the seniors on fixed income, working people and every day people of all strides are having a harder and harder time surviving much less thriving in our city. one of the reasons is that our
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economic development policies are currently much too focused on the big business interest. we need to reorient our city's development policies to focus on the 80 percent of the economy which is our small businesses or mom and pop shops. san francisco needs to develop more affordable housing. the association of bay government says that they need 18,000 new units of housing and we are nowhere close to that. prop c, something that i encourage you to vote for, but let's go back to the ballot in the years to come and pass an affordable housing bond something that san francisco has not done in close to two decades. we need to improve our public schools in san francisco if we are going to be a family and child-friendly city. prop 13 has starved our schools of funding across the state of california and in san francisco for decades. commercial property owners have been on a tax holiday through
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the reagan and bush era and have received benefits it is time for us to properly tax commercial property owners here in san francisco so that we can make-up for the lack of funding that we receive from the state. i plan to do that by instituting a commercial rent tax in san francisco. san francisco needs to be a culturally sustainable city and environmentally sustainable, restoring uni, uni has had a structural budget deficit. we need supervisors who are going to have the political will to find the resources to fully fund our mta system. i am looking at a number of options from congestion pricing to a downtown transit tax assessment district to even a local gas tax or a local vehicle license fee so that we can fully fund our uni system and stop fixing the buses with duct tape and have a first-class transit system in san francisco. another way that we can be a
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leader is to encourage people to get out of the cars and on to bike by developing a 100 percent renewable infrastructure and making green building and agriculture the norm in san francisco. i have been endorsed by the san francisco bay garden and the tenant's union and the lgbt, club and the action for children and many, many more. these organizations know that san francisco needs leaders that can face our issues honestly, without deference to big money. my name is julian, davis and i am running for supervisor in district five and i would be pleased to have your vote this november. >>